| 1. | Fq series computer heat - sealing and cold cutting bag - making machine Fq型系列热封冷切制袋机
| 2. | They ' ll send him a cold cut of beef 他们会送去一些烤牛肉给他
| 3. | There ' s some nice pakistani cold cuts there , courtesy of mrs . segal 那边有巴基斯坦冷盘,我们海鸥小姐带来的
| 4. | 2007 wendel s chinese new year takeout set selections of german cold cuts and cheese valentine s special . . 欢度过热闹拥挤的倒数跨年,中国人还有一个专属的中国新年,欢喜团圆全家庆新年。
| 5. | Solid and segmental saws for cold cutting of metals - interchangeability dimensions of the drive - saws diameter range 224 to 2240 mm 冷切割金属用整体和组装的圆锯.可换尺寸的驱动.圆锯直经由224到2240 mm
| 6. | Cold cuts and sandwiches do not enjoy being eaten , nor are they waiting for you to open the refrigerator door so they can talk to you 冷盘和三明治并没有喜欢被吃的感觉,也不会等着你打开冰箱门与你聊上一聊。
| 7. | Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners , cold cuts , pork , mutton , crisps , sugary products , butter , margarine and soft drinks 而购买啤酒的顾客更青睐冷冻食品冷盘猪肉羊肉薯片甜食黄油人造黄油和软饮料等。
| 8. | Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners , cold cuts , pork , mutton , crisps , sugary products , butter , margarine and soft drinks 而购买啤酒的顾客更青睐冷冻食品、冷盘、猪肉、羊肉、薯片、甜食、黄油、人造黄油和软饮料等。
| 9. | A typical banquet has four appetizer dishes , such as cold cuts or hot ones ; six to eight main dishes ; then one savory snack - type dish and a dessert 典型的宴席包括了:四道开胃菜,如:冷盘或热菜;六到八道主菜;然后有一道辛辣的菜肴或甜点。
| 10. | Specification for interchangeability dimensions of the drive of solid and segmental circular saws for cold cutting of metals : saw diameter range 224 mm to 2240 mm 金属冷切削用整体和镶齿圆锯驱动装置部分的互换尺寸规范:圆锯直径范围224mm - 2240mm